What’s wrong with you? Keeping cash alive means Freedom!

I do use cash nearly exclusively (except those RARE times I forget my cash). But I’m here to say that the demise of cash is inevitable and we need to learn to work around that reality. That right there isn’t a popular opinion within the community of those that cherish Freedom. They feel that the use of cash is instrumental to maintaining their Liberty, I totally understand. If we had a physical currency that had inherent value like coins made of precious metals that would be a great start. However, It is far from adequate to function in this technologically advancing society.

Our currency is inflationary (loses buying power)

The current reality of our debt based monetary system which is based on the use of a currency that is inflationary in nature. For every dollar created, an instant debt is associated to it. Thus giving us a self-perpetuating debt that we  can never be free of. Additional currency is added to the money supply with just a keystroke, inherently inflationary in nature. This is the Fractional Reserve Banking system, a fraud so incredibly big, it’s mind boggling. Even more mind boggling is how well they’ve kept this scam concealed under the glossy veneer of complicated jargon. This constant inflation of the money supply diminishes the existing currency that we all own. Make no mistake, this is pure theft that is explained away with terms like “quantitative easing”, “stimulating the economy”, “saving the institutions that are too big to fail”, “bailouts”, “bail-ins” ; they are all euphemisms for robbing you!

A “sound” monetary system is crucial to Liberty

By definition, true liberty can never occur without a sound money supply. The exchange of value is at the centre of what Society is built on. The interjection of Government into this most elemental part of society is the root of ALL evil. Not to be confused with the 50+ rich guy reliving his youth selfishly like a reckless teenager whom people want to sneer at. This is the banksters that have preyed on humanity for much of recorded history. Their control of the global governments has accelerated since technology has increased global communication and travel since the beginning of the 19th century.


Let’s break down this concept of a sound money system that allows financial freedom which may conjure up images of floating on the ocean on a yacht or sipping drinks on a tropical white sandy beach, In this context it means being able to engage in financial transactions with whomever you choose without the meddling of a “middle-man’ This “intermediary” is parasitical in nature, and is the heart of the Beast. Centralization of finance is what keeps Humanity enslaved, this sentiment is echoed by Nathan Meyer Rothchild in his chilling statement:

A sound money supply is one that is finite, meaning that more can’t be created, thus maintaining the value of the existing currency. The last aspect of truly sound money will take a bit to unpack, but it’s crucial to understand. It involves trust….or the lack of.

How has “Keeping Cash Alive” worked out so far?

Those in the know already understand that the scamdemic was part of a global agenda by the ruling elite to enslave Humanity under the guise of the Greater Good, A common ploy of the parasites that comes out of the recycle bin for another round. That is the 1st round of deception, the 2nd round of deception and fraud is the global rollout of Central Bank Digital Currencies & Digital ID’s. As with the rollout of the Covid fraud, we can observe how different governments enacted these tyrannical measures and how the populations responded. In the case of Nigeria, the people there seem to be more awake than the Western Worlds with only 0.5% adoption by Nigerians as the government brought out the CBDC’s and Digital ID. The government there just went ahead and destroyed the currency, and you can bet your bottom dollar they’ll do that here too.

If you’re curious as why there was so much resistance, it’s because Africans have grown suspicious over time as economic hit men have been sent there continually to subvert and rob them of their resources and enslave them, thus having their already low standard of living decimated by their governments colluding with these foreign powers.

Trust, elusive as the Yeti in these pivotal times

Our current monetary system is based on trust, how can they be trusted in light of the last 5 yrs?!?! Every war is funded by the biggest asset managers on earth, State Street, Vanguard & BlackRock. They all own each other as well as the pharmaceutical companies, media companies, weapons companies, oil companies, “green” energy companies, etc..right down to the company that made the keyboard I’m typing on to bring awareness to them. These companies are working with the World Economic Forum, United Nations into a lockstep into complete economic enslavement through the use of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and an elaborate global surveillance apparatus. All assets and everything of value on earth is set to be put onto a centralized Digital Ledger under the control of the Central Bank of Central Banks. This is known as the Unified Ledger, this is their End Game.I don’t trust this, do you? Instead, let’s roll with it, let’s have a trust-less system, just our own.

Give me Liberty, or a Trust-Less system

The demise of the middle class will continue, only those in the upper socio-economic strata will be able to ensure their survival in this day and age of robot dogs and killer drones. This will necessitate commerce over long distances to maintain trade and high economic output of those that aren’t using the government centralized “trusted”options. This will require the electronic transfer of payments, which currently relies on “trusted”centralized entities to accomplish this. With the advent of Distributed Ledger Technology, which Blockchain essentially is creates a system without any centralization, a system that is essentially “trust-less”.

This is enabled through the use of cryptography, which facilitates encryption. The practice of encryption has a well storied past that started long before computation or even electricity.

Caesar Cipher (Roman Empire, ~50 BCE) – A simple shift cipher where letters are shifted a fixed number of places in the alphabet.
Scytale (Ancient Greece, ~500 BCE) – A transposition cipher using a cylindrical rod and a strip of parchment.
Atbash Cipher (Ancient Hebrew, ~600 BCE) – A simple substitution cipher where the alphabet is reversed (A → Z, B → Y, etc.).
Hieroglyphic Substitution (Ancient Egypt, ~1900 BCE) – Egyptian scribes used non-standard hieroglyphs to obscure messages.

Crypto isn’t a pet rock

While many new to cryptocurrency get caught up in the price action,  we need to understand the networks and the value they bring to the marketplace. The utility of crypto currency and thus the value it provides is dependent on the real world problems it solves. This is the free market forces at work, in our Quest to find True Liberty we need to be aware of the Free Market forces available to us through disruptive technology. The monetary system can be thought of as a hierarchical organization, not unlike the movie rental business, taxi industry and hotel chains. These long established profitable businesses were disrupted with the likes of AirBNB, Netflix and Uber. The monetary system is fragile, multiple layers of fraud that are stacked like a house of cards in a wind storm on the edge of a cliff.

Where does crypto get its value?

Cryptocurrency derives its value from the utility it can provide. To illustrate this, let’s use something from real life we can relate to. If you ponder at what it takes for a store to sell you a can of pop, you have to keep overhead in mind, including the utilities, rental, payroll, insurance, taxes, licenses etc. You’d get a number like 20% profit.

Now, consider the drastic reduction in overhead costs and increase in profit a retailer would expect if he sold you that pop through a pop machine. That machine replaces the store and all the overhead costs with a machine charging the same amount of money for a similar product. The pop machine is providing a real world value that has a value beyond the sum of its parts. This is analogous to how crypto brings value, the mechanics of that are beyond the scope of this article.

Is Cash King??

Let’s circle back to the concept of a sound monetary system. The one aspect of this ideal that could never be attained within a traditional (centralized) financial system is the eventual centralization of control. Even with a gold backed currency, or coins made of precious metals, there will always be the need to store these at a central location. Thus restarting the process of eventual corruption. We can’t get away from this realization, I prefer immutable & auditable computer code over “trusting” humans in the long run.

Final Thoughts

I’m not advocating for a purely digital monetary supply, rather a mix of silver coins for personal transactions, along with barter. We have to be as diverse and flexible as possible in Our means of maintaining commerce, and thus Our standard of living, Liberty and Security. What I am advocating for is the need for us to adapt and overcome the challenges we face in Our increasingly complex World we live in. Make no mistake, we are at War, and as with any War, those that fail to adopt the incoming technology will never prevail. The window is closing on the opportunity for rapid upward socio-economic mobility. Nature will unapologetically weed out your lineage. Survival of the fittest takes on a whole new meaning as survival won’t just depend on physical prowess, rather a mixture of cleverness to circumvent the technocratic, dystopian control grid that is incoming & the courage and wisdom to prevail!.

Knowledge is Power,
GodSpeed my Friends


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