Perfect Storm

The German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee is working with an international network of lawyers to argue the largest crimes against humanity in history. This will be the first blow to the fake news that has been terrifying the public since the beginning of the coronavirus. On the heels of that will be the real story of what happened at the Capitol Hill “riots” on January 6th. How the DC police and FBI both had provocateurs there to cause havoc and blame it on Trump supporters. The results of the US election fraud audit in Arizona, motivating other states to follow suit. The Durham report, which in response to the Russian collusion fraud that soaked up millions and had congress looped up in a made up witch hunt that lasted over a year. Hunter Biden’s laptop, ObamaGate, Hillary Clinton’s emails, the details of Ghislane Maxwell trial and Anthony Weiner’s laptop are some of the biggest cases of corruption that have been on the backburner for a while.

Sometimes the wheels of justice take a while, but in the end they can’t stop what is coming! 

These revelations will absolutely shock people, the monumental level of corruption and deception will cause civil unrest in such a profound way. The fake news’ false narratives won’t be effective anymore and the population will have to face disturbing facts of how diabolical their plans for world domination are. The plan is so thorough, as it trickles right down to the local level. Some of those involved are well aware whereas others seem to be helpless dupes.

Regardless, it will be a lot for the general public to take in. When this all comes out, their plan to install a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will be a tough sell as they’ve lost all the trust of the public and won’t be able to walk down the street peacefully, let alone bring in their draconian measures.

Disinformation and Currency

Central banks all around the world are testing CBDCs. This could be the rise of full-fledged monetary surveillance regimes that are masquerading as the future of fiat currency. The level of control these centralized currencies can provide entices power hungry politicians and corporations. This will give the global Corporatocracy the control they seek to control all aspects of human activity.

The People’s Bank of China was the first country to develop a digital fiat currency, they’ve been at it  since 2014. To speed up adoption of this CBDC, they freely distributed this new currency through lotteries.

Free market forces are calling for a privacy coin. There are innumerable reasons why both individuals and companies would want to keep their transactions private and it has nothing to do with shady dealings. The huge amount of corruption being revealed right now, the public will undoubtedly see both the government  unfit to  scrutinize their finances. The push for privacy will be revitalized as both individuals and corporations look to keep their financial transactions away from unscrupulous eyes. An example of this trend happened earlier in 2021 when Tesla allowed for incoming payments to be made in Monero. This is just the beginning.

“Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.”

Mayer Amschel Rothschild


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