Many of those that have awakened to the global corruption may think that technology is the enemy, but just like any technology, it can be used in a good or bad way. The real enemy to our civil liberties and Freedom is the centralization of control or power. Centralization places the power in the hands of the few, which we need to be mindful of the time tested adage. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely’. From a technical point of view it provides a centralized point of failure thus a vulnerability that is eliminated with distributed networks such as blockchain. 

The global elite are desperately seeking to install their centralized digital infrastructure and with that, Digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency. Many countries around the world have been implementing Digital ID as part of a coordinated global effort. This system is much like the Social Credit Score System in place in China already. China has proven to be the blueprint for centralized control over just about everything within its borders. 

Coordinated Global Effort 

There is an annual meeting of the Central Banks from each country, hosted by the Central Bank of Central Banks which is known as the Bank of International Settlements. A hot topic has been how to reign in crypto under the guise of investor protection, preventing terrorism funding and to reduce money laundry. All euphemisms for applying more hindrances and regulation to the crypto industry as this is the main competitor to the dystopian Digital dollar they plan on bringing in. The BIS recently released a report on crypto This report is not being enthusiastically received, proving that people aren’t flocking to the Utopian view of centralized economics by financial regulatory bodies. Japan has recently rejected the CBDC and various countries in Africa are looking to adopt privately developed crypto currency as their national currency. With their proposed Digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency, every facet of society will be monitored and controlled. Vaxx immunization status, social credit and finances will be closely linked in this centralized digital system. The best way to circumvent this technocratic state, is to build a parallel system that is secure, helps us maintain control over our personal data, provides us with sound money that increases in value as you use it and the network expands. A currency that not only provides privacy for our transactions & it also won’t allow anyone or entity the ability to block your finances such as what happened with the Truckers Freedom convoy in Canada with the enabling of the Emergency Act. 

Neck and neck Technological/Information Race 

How this Great Reset rolls out is yet to be determined,it’s a race between those that seek to enslave humanity and those that cherish their Way of Life and Civil liberty. There is so much going on day to day that it takes daily research to keep track of which way the wind of change is blowing. Staying informed about the various locations around the world which are trying to implement various aspects of the dystopian digital surveillance apparatus. Many countries are working to impose crypto regulation, trying to limit access by the general public and limiting privacy coins. Good thing this world is so inter connected, as more of the world awakens to the monumental corruption all eyes will be on countries that are spearheading different aspects of this digital prison. Attacking the financial lives of the global population transcends political leaning, when the masses finally grasp the magnitude of the corruption, there will be a monumental uprising. 

To have Technology or not 

Many patriots romanticize the idea of living off the grid and shunning technology which may buy us time, but in the end we can’t outrun the continual progress of technology. It will continue to infringe on every aspect of life and we won’t be able to hide from it, nowhere to run….we need to “know where to run”. An underground economy built on the premise of just bartering items of value, even if it is bills or coins will still be very limited. It may be good enough for mere survival, but with the eradication of the middle class we need to aspire for prosperity when designing this parallel society. We’re on the cusp of a golden era in human achievement afforded by the innovation within the decentralized finance ecosystem. 

Technology can lead to financial Sovereignty 

So far disruptive technology has already drastically changed the markets with the likes of startups like AirBNB, Uber and Netflix. When these companies started, they disrupted long established businesses like the hotel industry, taxi service, BlockBuster and Kodak. These long established hierarchical organizations were decimated by the new companies that didn’t even have so much in capital investment, rather the power of networks combined with technology that have given them the edge. 

Logical Progression of Technology 

Blockchain is another form of disruptive technology that has revolutionized the monetary system. The idea of Bitcoin goes back to the late eighties when a peer to peer payment system was first conceptualized. Bitcoin relies on blockchain, which is otherwise known as a distributed ledger. Opposed to a centralized ledger, which originated back to the earliest means of written language. This was essentially a list of transactions that was always kept at one location. The main purpose of a blockchain is to get rid of centralization and Bitcoin accomplishes this by storing all the data on the Blockchain over all the computers that make up the Bitcoin network. 

The Closest thing to a Crystal Ball 

Trends forecasting is an area of study that uses a variety of ways to reasonably anticipate future trends. At one end, understanding the past, cycles and trends that have brought us to where we are, and the rate of current advancement. From there we can reason what is the logical progression of technology. Here’s a brief overview of how technology has evolved. After the popularization of the home computer, the first internet Web 1 was born, it was a static and non-interactive page. This formed the basis for linking computers together around the globe. Bandwidth was narrow and internet speeds were very slow. When bandwidth increased, that allowed for the growth of the internet into its current iteration, Web 2. Which allowed for easy peer-to-peer media sharing, an obvious progression of technology. With the advances in bandwidth allowed for video streaming and interactive experience with websites. The emergence of Big Tech and centralized control and data mining became prevalent thereafter. 

This centralization is leading to corruption at epic proportions, and it’s become increasingly obvious to the general public. Decentralization is the next logical progression of technology and blockchain enables that. Bitcoin has proved how resilient blockchain technology is. Bitcoin started in 2008 and since then the network has grown in resilience and Bitcoin value has grown from 0.17 to as high as $68,000 at only 1.3% of the global population using it. Blockchain technology will revolutionize many industries, particularly those that depend on an intermediary. Logistics is an example of this, the flow of merchandise from manufacturer to retailer requires a broker to manage the shipping. This process can be streamlined by using blockchain technology to act as the intermediary, immutable computer code to govern the exchange of goods and services. 

Incoming Mass Awakening 

The events of the past two years have demonstrated how corrupt a centralized system can be. When the truth behind the covid fraud becomes common knowledge the populace will be demanding a system that isn’t susceptible to centralization and thus corruption. Applying the tried and true blockchain technology to government, finance and the internet is the logical progression of technology. This will rid society of all levels of corruption at all levels, and will enable a truly decentralized finance system. There needs to be a system that is designed to sever the connection between gaining controlling interest through monetary means. Those wielding riches have created monopolies and cornered markets through the millenia, and have manipulated governments and societies over millennia. The covid crisis was the culmination of all this corruption. 

The New Digital Frontier 

Web 3 is the new (digital) frontier with many facets of the tech industry working on developing it. There’s a lot at stake here, Facebook even rebranded to Meta to accommodate this change. When was the last time you saw a Fortune 500 company rebrand? Never happens, that should tell us how serious they are about all this. There’s other tech giants, venture capitalists, hacktivists, programmers and hackers working on developing their vision of Web 3, this is at the very epicenter of the technological arms race we’re in. Now more than ever we need to stay up to date on the progress in this digital realm because the stakes are high and the implications are vast.


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