Information Age Underway
Since near the end of the last century, the Information age has started to accelerate
rapidly while simultaneously transitioning from an era where information is
commoditized to a society that depends on the free flow of information.
There is a tsunami of information, there is lots of fake news, hype and misinformation
that is coming at us from all angles, sorting through it all takes a high discernment.
There is “information” to back up the wildest claims online and having a keen eye to
separate the wheat from the chaff is the one of the most crucial skills to have.
A War Being Fought Covertly
There is a war going on, not the kind of war you envision with trench warfare and tanks,
but rather one that is fought with information & propaganda. This time around, instead of
governments battling it out with air raids, carpet bombings and battlefield tactics, this
war is being played in the hearts and minds of the population. Purely
psychological/information/technological warfare, a far cry from past conflicts. This is
known as 5th Generation Warfare. Wars have always had elements of propaganda, but
this time around it’s all psychological. The war machine has unlimited resources as it
protects the corporatocracy (which is basically corporations pulling the strings of
government). The victor of this war wins all the wealth, control and thus power through
the acquisition of resources through propaganda and deceit.
The pertinent industries in the military industrial complex are lined up to best maximize
profit/power from this current crisis. Through previous kinetic wars they’ve been able to
convert human lives into profits, they’ve modified their strategy for this war but it still has
the same goal. It’s no longer a toilet bowl of money going away in carpet bombing or
armored vehicle assaults, rather, it’s the fascist takeover of governments by
multinational corporations.
Information Is Being Weaponized
The propaganda machine that is fueling this scamdemic is backed by an incredible amount of data mined from each person that has an online presence. Since the advent of the internet, people’s online behaviour has been documented and analyzed to such great detail. For example, they are able to tell if a woman is pregnant and what trimester she is in just by her spending behaviour. Big tech understands how the Truth or disinformation gets around, they have it right scienced out. They’ve been testing the population for years by creating a false flag and keeping their eye on who is deceived by it, who tries to shed light on it and who helps perpetuate disinformation. Big league sports and Hollywood are participating in this agenda as well, it’s hard to imagine such a pervasive agenda, infiltrating most levels of sports, “feel good” organizations, major religions, spiritual communities. Ignorance has been weaponized and the battle lines in the Information War are far less distinct because it’s a War for your mind.
The COVID-19 Plandemic
The COVID-19 plandemic is merely a symptom of the Information War, the main plan is to bring down the world economy and transfer as much money and power to the ruling elite. Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum publicly stated that “The Covid 19 outbreak is the first big step towards unprecedented control over humankind. This will help them meet their goals outlined in the UN Agenda 21/2030.
A One World Currency
The original goal of a One World currency is on shaky ground. Now there are many crypto currencies produced by private companies who have blazed the trail of innovation. The North American governments are hindering the adoption of cryptocurrency. Most of the world is of the world has embraced it Many countries with lower living standards are adopting & innovating with cypto This will certainly level the playing field between the west and countries abroad that are less developed. Countries that aren’t as developed tend to have governments that aren’t technically savvy and therefore don’t realize how this shift will upend their control of their nations eventually. It’s like a financial/technological arms race between the rapid growth of this technology and those that seek to control it.
Crashing Global Fiat Currencies
The first part of their goal is to crash the global fiat currencies, using the long-planned pandemic to slow down the global economic output and bring down the financial house of cards. The Canadian gov has been issuing bonds, and creating currency to buy these bonds. This is insane, it’s like throwing pails of gas on a burning house. This will cause hyperinflation, rendering savings, retirement funds, 401k’s, RRSPs, etc defunct.
Next is to roll out their own digital currency and cross border payment system. This is where the trouble begins. China, whom the US has had an ongoing currency war with, have already released their own digital yuan. This has widespread appeal to those in the world that don’t have access to banks. With just a smartphone, people dealing with the digital yuan basically have a bank in their pocket. China has a strong presence in Africa and South America & is continuing to grow via their Belt & Road initiative. The digital yuan will be an “easy sell” amongst the Chinese nationals that are populating these lands as well as among the existing population. The People’s Bank of China will also issue loans fairly easily. A currency free from the control of central planners is yet to come. For the meantime, we have to deal with what we have available and keep ourselves informed so we can maintain our wealth and make the right moves to enhance our security. The flow of information will be a crucial part of this.
The Internet of Value & Decentralized Finance
The Internet of Value is being created alongside the existing monetary/payment system that is very antiquated. Exactly how it will be implemented and what the government’s role in it is, has yet to be seen. It really depends on how much the general population wakes up to the mass censorship and fraud. The backlash we can expect from the COVID deception is hard to gauge at this writing, but keeping an eye on that is crucial to understanding what’s going to happen.
There’s a sleight of hand underway that you’ll have to be quick to capitalize on or get left in the dust if you don’t. This is reminiscent of the dot com craze of the late ‘90’s. Fortunes were made quick and also quick losses as many of the original startups were whisked away by market forces. Opting not to participate will have serious implications down the road as people will find themselves becoming irrelevant and obsolete. Without a simple understanding of how decentralized finance works one will lose out on opportunity and also be at the mercy of those that understand it better. Learning as much as we can about Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has the potential to serve us in our pursuit of Liberty & Freedom. We need to best understand it so we can best utilize this opportunity and ensure our Financial Freedom and Liberty. For there is no true liberty without a sound monetary system. I know for myself I didn’t have the right frame of mind to make the best of the Dot Com craze of the ‘90’s. But I knew I’d be ready for the next big thing and here it is.
It’s not going anywhere
If the world of cryptocurrency/decentralized finance (DeFi)/ Distributed Ledger Technology seems complicated, you’re in good company. Remember how frustrating touch typing was? We all pretty much learned it through necessity. Now times that by a 1,000 and you’ll be closer to how important understanding this incoming Digital Financial system will be will be. Those that don’t gain this understanding will be rendered unapologetically obsolete in both a technological and financial way. Digital Finance is the new Wild West, it’s unforgiving, and there won’t be much for checks and balances, there won’t be a 1-800 tech line to call as a result of the elimination of centralization & the easy to use functionality that is prioritized. This will be quite the change as Big Tech has really made the user experience on existing platforms easy and smooth. Best to slowly acclimate yourself to some of this technology and the economics of it.
We need to adapt our outlook to encompass Digital Finance, it will affect every aspect of society profoundly and cause a complete paradigm shift. Since we are actually at war and look through history, never has one side won the war by resisting the incoming technology. Think about it this way, most of our payments, deposits, etc. are done electronically already. Most of the currency that changes hands doesn’t exist physically. There is actually far more currency that exists digitally than what exists physically. We are well on our way to dealing with digital dollars. As with the advent of the internet of information, people are initially resistant to this means of value exchange. It’ll be a while until everyone is acclimated to this new system and those that embrace this new way of financial transaction will stand to reap the lion’s share of the reward. When the general masses have adopted digital value, they’ll wonder how they got around exchanging pieces of paper that were based on nothing and that depreciated at a rapid rate.
How censorship affects the finance system
Controlling the control of flow has been around since the dawn of written language. This has continued into the internet era, the censorship has grown continually since it started. there have been growing efforts to control the information coming through it. The amount of censorship has been increasing steadily and at the beginning as both Big Tech and Big media initiated a full-on information war. And government have increased their efforts to suppress information. Internet search results vastly changed when the global governments worked to control the narrative around the plandemic. “Fact checkers” websites were leveraged into prominent search results for any topic that hindered this disinformation campaign. This is much like the Ministry of Truth from the book, 1984 by George Orwell. There may be relief soon, the medical fraud behind COVID19 is becoming more obvious as a cottage industry of class action lawsuits spring up around the globe. This will have a snowball effect and will hopefully result in the renewed fight against censorship. Free market forces will empower the private sector to continue to innovate ahead of governments attempts to regulate and control decentralized finance. Any digital currency created by a government will only work if they can control the narrative around it. As we work towards “perfect money”, a currency that appreciates in value, is accessible, widely accepted, private and free from the control of governments and central banks, the quality of life will be enhanced dramatically.
Crypto & The Smaller Investor
The crypto market is far friendlier to the smaller investor. The stock market has well established big players with the best resources. There is simply no competing with insider information amongst those in the know and they have far more resources in every way.
The game is stacked against the regular would-be investor. It’s a case of “a fool and his money are quickly separated”. Additionally, there is lots of money being created that is inflating the stock market. The US has printed more money in 2020/21 than in the previous 200 years. This is a bubble ready to burst!
Knowledge in the crypto market gets around far differently than previous investment types. Social media has lent itself to the creation of online communities that are very cliched. They are tribalistic with the passion for their chosen crypto like sports fans have for their favourite teams. This is attracting different types that would generally not get involved with the financial world. I consider myself one of those kinds of people. When it comes to investments, it’s always good to hedge the risk by having diversity in your portfolio. In the case of crypto, there’s other crypto’s that have potential as well. They are referred to as “alt coins”. They vary greatly in functionality and use case. One needs to do their due diligence and research the technology behind the digital assets. A good strategy for learning this world is to just start exposing ourselves to this with an open mind. By the mile it’s going to take a while, but inch by inch it’s a cinch. By sticking to a gradual learning program, consistently exposing yourself to new information daily, you’ll find it’ll sink in.
Knowledge is Power
July 1, 2023 updated March 5, 2024