Anybody new to “conspiracies’ will certainly be overwhelmed with the breadth and depth of corruption at every level of society. It’s hard to know what to address with our limited man power and resources. The controllers planned it that way, society has been socially programmed to be apathetic and passive. Modern society is so far removed from our tribal origins, this “white picket fence” rat race has separated us, made us more competitive rather than collaborative and make it hard for us to work together in a grassroots way.

We are clearly in an Information War, which is fought within the hearts and minds of the populace. The ruling elite have been manipulating human behaviour right from the dawn of time.

Since the 1900’s this agenda has expanded in leaps and bounds with the steady improvement of communication technology and the advancement in the field of human persuasion through big data. This sector is fully funded by the rapidly expanding and evolving marketing industry. The general public seems to have amnesia as the powers to be cycle through the same pattern of deception. We are experiencing a new type of warfare that expands on the propaganda that has been part of traditional warfare.

This new type of war is dubbed as 5th generational warfare by the US Pentagon which is basically psychological warfare. All this manipulation and lying would go unchecked if the controllers had a 100% control over the information AND people’s finance. This Totalitarian dream is being developed and implemented as we speak. This system is like what the government has in China currently via the Chinese Social Credit System and Digital yuan. All aspects of the citizens in China’s lives are carefully monitored by the Communist regime.

Historically, in warfare, the net effect of warfare would be that the victors would acquire the enemies’ resources, commodities, money etc through kinetic warfare. Instead of standing armies fighting in specific localities, this battle is fought everywhere in the world simultaneously against malevolent aspects of the government. In this type of war, the acquisition of assets will happen through the manipulation of information via the media and so-called experts that are continually deceiving the public. They are developing a centralized ledger and they plan to put all assets on this ledger. This key step in their war on humanity is the crucial bit to establishing their dystopian future.

The World Economic Forum as well as the United Nations have both publicly stated that they seek to restrict/minimize the right to private property. This is possible now by capturing all assets onto a centralized digital ledger. Right now, there is push to have ALL assets represented digitally on a ledger. Right now, it’s the central banks that have the biggest sway over governments. Yet there is yet another bank that is bigger. The central bank of all central banks, known as the Bank of International Settlements (B.I.S), controls them all.

One such example is the SOGI ideology being pushed in schools so hard. They’re destroying the youth as per plan, yet it is bringing awareness on such a large scale to ‘conspiracies’ by people that would normally not be into ‘conspiracies’. SOGI has proven to be much like a “gateway drug” to bigger conspiracies.

This is the End Game, with this centralized ledger installed the ruling elite will have total control like they’ve always sought. A dystopian nightmare beyond your nightmares will unfold. As the timeless axiom “Absolute Rule corrupts absolutely!” The ruling elite have used and will continue use every tactic imaginable. There is no cost too high to make this centralized ledger a reality. The more human lives that will perish the better in their eyes. The military industrial complex has proven itself quite proficient at transforming human lives into increased profits. It’s like a sadistic form of alchemy.

The breadth and depth of their attack has been made quite evident, they threw every thing at this. So much so that every level of government was complicit with this monumental fraud. This is reflected by a quote by the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, when all is discovered, 98% of Washington will fall. The current transgender issue is obviously hugely funded. As much as parents have protested and will continue to protest, these people are set on destroying the youth all under the guise of inclusivity. One of many euphemisms being used to validate this trans-agenda. This has two effects the controllers are looking for, one is the well worn “divide and conquer’ strategy, the other is to morally decay society as much as possible and destroy the youth. Third, is to distract the population while they continue to develop this control and surveillance apparatus.

Now for the roll out of the Digital ID. We can better understand how this rollout will look if we examine how the last globally coordinated attack, the rollout of the covid restrictions, were implemented. Governments all around the world were enlisted to partake in this monumental fraud, which certainly indicates their ability to acquire compliance. They had hundreds of millions of PCR tests distributed around the world, the patents on the corona virus and the vaccines were already issued, the corporate news already had their response instructed. All that was needed was the doctored images of the streets of Wuhan lined up with (apparently) dead corpses on the news in order to put the world into fear mode. The controllers know that if you scare the population, they are willing to relinquish their god given rights in order to gain perceived security. It’s the same play book played out again and again continually.

Absolute Power

The European Union recently implemented Digital ID, member countries have two years to bring this into effect. This Digital ID is designed to use with the Central Bank Digital Currency, which won’t be far behind. Health records, including vaccine passport will be an integral part of this. This will give the government the ability to mandate any kind of vaccine or other medical intervention purely at the discretion of the controllers. Assets will be held on this same digital ledger. Failing to comply will see that you will not be able to function in society in the short term. In the long term this Unified Ledger will be used to separate ourselves from our belongings, our health and those we care about.


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