It’s a common tactic of governments to hijack a movement that may have had benevolent intentions originally. Take the environmental movement for example, it started gaining momentum in the ’80’s, initially the government saw it as a threat to their status quo but soon realized they could manipulate this to their intentions of wealth and power. Enter the Global Warming movement, which was later rebranded to the more ambiguous label, Climate Change.

The propaganda machine presented their whole field of experts and studies to create the panic that the earth’s polar ice caps would melt and cause global sea levels to rise, thus flooding coastal areas where 75 % of the global populations reside. Fast forward to current times and it’s clear to see that this apocalyptic foreshadowing never came to happen at all. That didn’t stop the bureaucrats from continuing with this fear campaign, but becoming more alarmist about weather which isn’t breaking any records in any direction. The constant fear mongering and suspicious out-of-season wildfires in Canada during 2023 are used as “proof” of this apocalyptic scenario that will be remedied by their carbon tax.

The gay movement sought to seek equal rights for gay people, but soon after its inception, progressive politics infiltrated the movement. An agenda to constantly push the envelope of decency, colloquially known as the “boiling frog” Over the years it has gotten to where it is now, the trans agenda is “validated” but the trans movement unsubstantiated claim that gender dysphoria affects a much larger percentage of the population than it really does.

Cue in the experts to tell us so. The movement has largely been funded by NGO’s often backed by George Soros who stated the goal is to undermine westernized nations. They’ve targeted the youth, while kids in China are learning calculus and robotics at a young age, kids in the commonwealth countries are told to choose their pronouns. This indoctrination of the youth is taken straight out of the communist handbook.

Cultural marxism is the systematic decaying of the culture and morality of a population until they become so demoralized that they are easy to control. Past empires such as the Roman and Greek suffered similar perils, moral decay and corruption run rampant through society near the end of those empires.The more things change the more they stay the same.

One of the fastest growing activist movements in North America is Gay Against Groomers, they’re growing awareness within the gay movement and the general public. We stand behind this movement and have flown their banners many times. Ironically the paid protestors call the organization a hate group.

The paid protesters here get a boost from some of the local unions, the same unions that didn’t defend their own workers from medical freedom and helped coerce their members to take the dangerous experimental covid vaccine. Now they’ve stated that they’re going to start an emergence response group to tackle “far right” activists.

Historically speaking, this has always been a tactic of the enemies of Freedom, they make great strides to steer the opposition to serve its means.


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