In his address to the UN, Trudeau says  “Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 agenda for sustainable development,” says Trudeau. Building back better is a euphemism for a global communist regime using surveillance, 5g, vaxx pass and social credit system to keep in the population under control. All this is being orchestrated by  unvoted bureaucrats deciding our future behind closed doors. Trudeau continues “This is our chance to help your pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.” parroting what has been declared by Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum. “The covid 19 outbreak is the first big step towards unprecedented control over mankind” ….this has been dismissed as conspiracy theory but he comes right out and says it.

Did you know that Trudeau, instead of focusing on Canada, and the crisis here (and I don’t just mean the health crisis, if it even amounted to that; but I mean the economic crisis that he and the rest of the political class caused) did you know that he was actually, instead, working with foreign leaders to put together a bail-out for foreign countries?

“What?” — the CBC didn’t bring that to your attention?

“I mean, it’s been five years since he promised clean water on Canadian Indian reserves. But hey — they don’t get a vote for who’s on the UN Security Council, do they, they don’t vote for who gets a Nobel Peace Prize, do they? So instead, Trudeau spent his time and our billions on foreign schemes.

“And none of it worked. He didn’t get on the security council. But everyone took his money. A fool and his money are soon parted. Trouble is, he’s the fool, but it’s our money.”- Ezra Levant Rebel News


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